Jay W. Prather is the Owner, Founder, designer and builder for IDC Devices paranormal investigative equipment. He is no stranger to the paranormal, and with over 30 years of experience working with electrical components and electronics, he has been creating personalized, paranormal equipment since 2010.
    Jay W is not your typical equipment builder, though. His equipment is experimental and meant for seasoned investigators that focus on data, research and correlation among different techniques used in an investigation. Jay W is the creator of the IDC InterComm Box and IDC Direct-Linc, that has been featured on many popular Paranormal TV shows both here in the U.S. as well as abroad, including Ghost Adventures and Haunted Towns with the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, Portals to Hell, Holzer Files and Death Walkers. He concentrates on building equipment that will aid in monitoring the environment during paranormal investigations as well as ITC devices. By 2012, with less than 3 years of building, he realized the severe limitations of the hacked radios, radio kits and just radio/stereos in general he was using as well as the Apps he was creating and so set out to design and build his own tuner/scanners from scratch designed specifically for ITC. This allowed him to bypass these limitations and move ITC forward. Through IDC Devices he offers more than 67 devices and possible combinations for his boxes. Jay W works closely with each individual client to ensure that each piece of equipment meets or exceeds their needs with innovative solutions. He is continuously developing and testing new paranormal investigation equipment to aid those researchers who want to take their research to the next level.
Best way to find me and keep up with me is Facebook here>>> https://www.facebook.com/jay.prather.58/